"Plastic could outweigh fish in the oceans by 2050"

The Road to COP28
Highlights from our recent think ahead event: The Road to COP28 – Aligning Expectations with Actions.
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We centre our attention on the pivotal role of climate change in the business world and its global significance for us all.
Highlights from our recent think ahead event: The Road to COP28 – Aligning Expectations with Actions.
Read moreCollaborating with The Ocean Cleanup, London Business School’s Jean Pauphilet and Baizhi Song have developed a system to increase plastic retrieval from the world's ocean by up to 60%
Read moreTrillions of pieces of plastic pollute our oceans, and the problem is getting worse. These emissions could triple by 2040, and the cost to our ecosystems, economy and health will be dramatic.
of rubbish removed
— The Ocean Cleanup
In this episode of The Why Podcast, listen to Alenka Turnsek (EY EMEIA Sustainability Tax Services Leader) and Marcel Olbert (Assistant Professor of Accounting at London Business School) discuss whether taxes make businesses more sustainable
‘High Value, Low Volume’ tourism has been Bhutan’s motto. Nader Tavassoli looks at how their tourist tax affects this.
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